Friday, October 15, 2010

Temperature Drop

That's right, it's suddenly gotten windy and cold in the city. But then again its like a sauna in the subway, it's times like these where i ask myself "what the hell do i wear?" I hope the sun doesn't hide away too long or my S.A.D might kick in again which is never a good thing.

Had a double dosage of Broadway dance, the first two hours i thought i was auditioning for a job at Abercrombie and Fitch. We learnt a routine from a heavy beat techno song, unusual? Yes. Fun? definitely, I guess being picked up and placed in a different environment is always an interesting thing to explore. Having said that, my teacher told me to bring in a picture and resume for her next time so she could offer me places to audition to. This is a good sign, since i learnt the steps with ease and added character almost immeadiately into the piece she told me that there's a club where you dance for 3 hours and earn $300 smackers!

I could really put that money into good use. $300 a night being a GoGo dancer? Well if you put it that way it doesn't sound that appealing.. We'll see what she has to offer me.

Anyways something much more interesting, learning the choreography of this particular Bob Fosse piece . Might seem useful in the future, i'm studying the role of the White lead. Check it out.

- Ballerhino

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